Helpful Info


Things You NEED to Bring to Your Lesson


    • Your Guitar:  I do not have a guitar that you can use while you take your lesson. You must bring your own instrument to each lesson.
    • Guitar Cable:  For students with ELECTRIC GUITARS, you must bring your own cable that plugs your guitar into the amplifier to each lesson.
    • Notebook:  Unless you have a photographic memory, you should bring a large notebook (not a small one) to each lesson. And please, bring one that you dedicate for just your lessons. I will write concepts, chords, songs, and things to practice each week in it. it is very important.

Things You DON’T Have to Bring to Your Lesson


    • Guitar Amplifier:  For students with ELECTRIC GUITARS, you DO NOT have to bring your guitar amplifier to each lesson. I have one that students can use during the lesson.